Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mon 1/19 - Sun 1/25

On Monday it's back to school! I wanted the weekend to continue for a few days...  I wasn't ready to go back (not that I'm in school but ya know...). Lexi had a fever which was less the cool (Really, it was quite hot!) I left her locked up at home and took lunch to the others on campus. On my way I found $25EC on the sidewalk. It was pretty random and there was no one around so I'm $25EC (just over $9US (I think)) richer. During lunchtime there was a simulation fire drill on campus near the kid's school where they blocked off a big section with yellow caution tape and we weren't allowed to go to the family lounge for lunch. Of course it was the first time I brought left overs that needed to be reheated instead of peanut butter and honey sandwiches. It was the worst possible timing for their drill. That was our big excitement for the day.

Tuesday Lexi felt much better and went to school. The principal talked to Mark as he was picking up the kids for lunch. She said they wanted to move Kari up one class where there's a little more structure then the one she's been in. We'll still have her go half day though. At lunch Kari was acting sleepy. She felt like she had a fever. We went down several stairs and up to the 3rd floor of a building just to find that the person I needed to talk had just left for lunch. I had Kari lay down on a couch and she zonked out immediately. She definitely was not feeling well! Emma and I just hung out for the hour then I took care of what I needed to.
I laid Emma down awake in her bed at 9pm. She didn't cry at all and didn't wake up until 7:30am Wednesday morning!!! Yay! I'm so happy! Her poor little world has been flipped around and crazy for months as we've been getting ready to move. I'm thrilled to be able to get into somewhat of a routine for her sake.

Wednesday morning I was going to go over to a friends house and make bread but Kari stayed home with a fever so I had to cancel. Mark was not eager to get out the door in the morning. At first I thought he was just going to try media site where you can watch the lectures on-line on your own when you want to. Turns out he was sick too. He got hit harder then either of the girls. No bueno!!!
He stayed in bed the whole day with the biggest headache he's ever had! At one point we were on the phone and he asked where he could find some medicine. I told him a few places to look. When he got off the phone he hurt so bad he didn't even get up to find the medicine to help him. I've never seen him so wiped out!!

Thursday I went on a RSO (Ross Spouse Organization) trip to the capital city Roseau (pronounced rose-o) for some grocery shopping. Apparently most things are cheaper in Roseau and there are more things available. Also there are some things available in bulk. We went to 3 different stores. The bus dropped us off and picked us up at each place. We were on a schedule to be back by noon. Everyone was dropped off at their homes along the way. Emma and I were last to be dropped off. That last 15 minutes was awful!! She was screaming and had a poopy diaper that was ready to burst! I also bought a good amount of stuff I had to haul off the bus and then make a few trips up to my apartment. Luckily, a friend who had gone on the trip and knew I would be late offered to go get Kari from Mark as lunch time was getting over so he could get to his anatomy lab and I could breath for a second, change a diaper, and eat something.

Friday morning I felt I had a bit of a break down after dropping the kids off at school. I miss so many things from the states. I'm vowing now to not take so many things fore granted when we get back!! The convenience of jumping in my car and driving to Winco or Walmart being HIGH on that list!! A few other things on my list would be a clothes dryer (I'm not a fan of these crispy not fresh smelling towels!), American washing machine and oven. I've been without a dishwasher and garbage disposal before but those are two conveniences that I hate being without. Ugh! I'm trying hard to embrace this amazing opportunity to live in the Caribbean!! It's truly awesome but it's definitely an adjustment and there's so much to figure out and get used to. It's also no longer feeling like an amazing vacation. This is life now. There are kids to take care of, SO much cleaning to do, and mouths to feed. Everyone is always hungry! Then I snapped out of the whiny sad moment and went on with my day...
The only other thing I recall being note worthy for the day was Mark met up with us and we all walked home together and we got pizza from IGA for dinner for the first time.

Saturday I tried to be a good mom and help Lexi learn the art of dish washing and Isaac how to sweep floors. Perhaps these are things they should already be good at. Don't judge me! :) We ended up ordering Jack's Chinese for dinner which was delicious.

Now here we are to Sunday again. Absolute craziness!!! Our theme for sacrament meeting this month has been missionary work. It has been interesting to think about how other countries grew from small numbers of members to large congregations. The local members of the church are small in number here in Dominica but through missionary work could grow just as other countries have. One local member born his testimony today and talked about his conversion story to the church. I admittedly didn't catch all the details between his accent and trying to shush children but I unmistakably felt the spirit as he spoke of his experiences with the scriptures and embracing the Word of Wisdom. I later spoke with a local lady in the ward who I learned was his sister. I asked her how her week went and was surprised as she spoke so humbly and with such gratitude that Heavenly Father had blessed her. I fully expected to hear something about dishes and laundry or work and such.

Mark and I now have callings in the branch. Mark is the branch clerk or secretary of sorts and I was asked to play the piano in sacrament meeting. I am able to play but I don't feel I do it very well. I'm certain the Lord wants me to improve this talent that I am more comfortable hiding under a bushel. :)

Mark has his first test, or "mini" as they call them, tomorrow morning! I'm a bit nervous for him. Getting sick threw a wrench into his week. Also, he has been fighting technology a bit with a tablet that's not functioning properly and I don't even know what! THANKFULLY, we know someone coming from Idaho at the end of the month who can bring a new device he ordered. After the test tomorrow Mark plans to go snorkeling and then we are going to go to a restaurant without children. I believe that's called a date! Yay!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Now it Begins...

We made it through the first week of medical school! Whew! I can't believe how fast the week flew by! Alexis and Isaac are in the same class at school. It includes 6, 7 and 8 year old children. Kari is in a preschool aged group and enjoyed her first day of school EVER!! Today we found Emma has two more teeth that have poked through. Bottom left and top right lateral incisors (I looked up what they are called. I don't know teeth.) That puts her up to 6 teeth!

 Monday 1st day of school

Ready to leave our apartment

There is a good sized lizard that lives in those pallets. I've only seen its tail.

"First day of school! First day of school!" movie quote anyone??  (answer: Finding Nemo)

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday went by in a quick blur. We are trying to figure out what we want our routine to look like. School starts for everyone at 8am. The kids have lunch at noon and I go bring them food and eat with them. Mark joins us if he's able and then Kari is done for the day while the older two go back to school until 3.

Friday white coat ceremony

 This is Ben who got here 2 days after us with his wife and 3 kids from Utah. 

 So this is somebody important but I'm honestly not sure if it's the prime minister or the president of Dominica. They were both in attendance I believe. I was juggling kids and took a picture...  I'll have to do some research. :) 

The ceremony was held at the annex building that we walk by everyday. It's SO green here!

 I LOVE this man!!!!

 I had to throw in this hilarious picture... Maybe I'm a bad mom but Mark took the picture... hahaha. We couldn't find Kari so I started calling her name and a sad little face peeked around the corner of the building. I asked her what was wrong and why she was crying. She just pointed at the bird!! She felt trapped because this bird apparently showed up between us and scared her. It was pretty funny... I mean sad...

Saturday whale watching

It was relaxing to lay down on the net. It's crazy to look down and see the water. I'm so grateful none of us get sea sick!!

Selfie :)  What a beautiful island we live on!

Isaac and Kari had to go down to the bathroom. They were impressed there was a bathroom. You had to pump the toilet to flush it. 

Mark said there was a window down there. I had him take a picture. Haha!

When the whales were spotted this is what we saw.

The next 11 pictures are of the same whale. Scrolling through them is like watching a movie in slow motion

The smooth part of the water is the whale's "footprint". I thought it was pretty cool!

Just a few more whale pictures :)

Waiting for our ride to take us home...

I know this looks a bit scary... Mark is just out of the shot. She has great balance and is super crazy cute!!