Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 31, 2016

Today marks SEVENTEEN months we've lived in Dominica! I have many missed emotions about that fact. I will have good memories to take home with me. I'm ready to leave! We've had two fans completely bite the dust I. The last week. Meaning no amount of oil and tinkering from Mark is bring them back. The water was brown yesterday! I killed a little cockroach in the hallway. Wah wah wah! I'm just ready! I intend to have fun and go on some trips and visit a beach a fee more times before we leave but I am anxiously counting down the days. 62 days by the way! There is an ice cream truck that drives around occasionally playing annoying music like in the states. I was shocked the first time I heard it. I was surprised there was an ice cream truck on the island. Today I decided we would go out and see what he had to offer. A small cup of either vanilla, strawberry or a combo of the two flavors for $2.50ec. (that's a little less the $1USD) We bought four little cups. The kids were thrilled!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016

I've been failing at blogging completely!
We enjoyed our 2 week break between the semesters. The kids went back to school on the 9th. I found I really missed my morning workouts with Tim but found it hard to try getting up on my own. He started up again this past Monday the 16th. Mark has joined the craziness of Tim Trains Me and goes to the 6pm group. Mark also ran a 5k on Monday before his first class with Tim! Poor Mark is so sore right now! We had some good fitness goals going right now. My sister and I are going to do a half marathon together at the end of August! The best thing I have to report is we booked our plane tickets and our feet will touch American soil in 75 days!! We leave Dominica in August 1st! I'm so excited!! I have lots to do before then and plan to enjoy the rest of our time here but I am so glad that the end is in sight!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

*Mon. May 2 - Sun. May 8

This week of break was nice. Monday evening we went to the pool for a birthday party for a little girl who just got to the island. Emma gets more brave every time we go swimming. She's about ready to be a fish. I jumped into the pool and without waiting for me to catch her she jumped in to the water with her little floatie. It did surprise her a little but she wanted to jump more. We tried teaching her how to hold your breath and close your eyes. It was entertaining to watch her try! What a silly!
Tuesday was supposed to be family picture day but Mark was sick with whatever Lexi had from Sunday. I went to the gym while Emma was napping. 
Wednesday was finally the day I've been wanting to have our entire time here! Family picture day!!!! I hate the work and stress of taking family pictures but I love having pictures so it's worth the crazy. Lexi saw the clothes I had laid out and she helped me realize we had some better options. We don't have stores around to try to go buy coordinating stuff. I had to work with what we had. Somebody our clothes are looking dingy from island living so many clothes were not even considered. I happy with what we ended up wearing! We borrowed a tripod (Actually, we borrowed it in January when we were planning on taking pictures but that didn't work out. My friend just let us hang onto it forever!) and Mark took the pictures with a remote. I am SO happy! I absolutely love the pictures!!! 
Thursday was Emma's 2nd birthday!! This. Sweet girl brings so much joy to our family! I love her so much! She loved that it was her birthday. She walked around singing "happy birthday" to herself. Too cute!! For breakfast we took the kids to the local French bakery for the first time. We got a tasty spread to share!! Yum!! I love their green pepper and chicken quiche. We hung out on campus for a bit. Isaac and Mark played a video game for the first time here up at the CAC there is an Xbox. The kids played some ping pong and pool. Emma and Kari played the piano and sang "I am a Child of God". Emma is a good little singer. We went to Swirls frozen yogurt place that has been closed since November and just opened up this week. They didn't have the same machines and offered different stuff. We ended up only getting Emma an ice cream cone because of how expensive it was! We realized it was Emma's first ocean cream cone! She didn't know what to do when she got to the cone. 

Friday I took the family adventuring to the local hot pool my trainer Tim took me to. At first Kari was complaint how she hated the shoes she was wearing and it was a awful hike. By the end she loved it and can't wait to go there again! 

Saturday's was an amazing day of cleaning and organizing!!! Lots of teamwork!  We went to a birthday party. 

*Mon. May 2 - Sun. May 8

This week of break was nice. Monday evening we went to the pool for a birthday party for a little girl who just got to the island. Emma gets more brave every time we go swimming. She's about ready to be a fish. I jumped into the pool and without waiting for me to catch her she jumped in to the water with her little floatie. It did surprise her a little but she wanted to jump more. We tried teaching her how to hold your breath and close your eyes. It was entertaining to watch her try! What a silly!
Tuesday was supposed to be family picture day but Mark was sick with whatever Lexi had from Sunday. I went to the gym while Emma was napping. 

Wednesday was finally the day I've been wanting to have our entire time here! Family picture day!!!! I hate the work and stress of taking family pictures but I love having pictures so it's worth the crazy. Lexi saw the clothes I had laid out and she helped me realize we had some better options. We don't have stores around to try to go buy coordinating stuff. I had to work with what we had. So many of our clothes are looking dingy from island living so many items were not even considered. I am happy with what we ended up wearing! We borrowed a tripod (Actually, we borrowed it in January when we were planning on taking pictures but that didn't work out. My friend just let us hang onto it forever!) and Mark took the pictures with a remote. I am so SO happy! I absolutely love the pictures!!! 

Thursday was Emma's 2nd birthday!! This sweet girl brings so much joy to our family! I love her so much! She loved that it was her birthday. She walked around singing "happy birthday" to herself. Too cute!! For breakfast we took the kids to the local French bakery for the first time. We got a tasty spread to share!! Yum!! I love their green pepper and chicken quiche. We hung out on campus for a bit. Isaac and Mark played a videogame for the first time here up at the CAC there is an Xbox. The kids played some ping pong and pool. Emma and Kari played the piano and sang "I am a Child of God". Emma is a good little singer. We went to Swirls frozen yogurt place that has been closed since November and just opened up this week. They didn't have the same machines and offered different stuff. We ended up only getting Emma an ice cream cone because of how expensive it was! We realized it was Emma's first ocean cream cone! She didn't know what to do when she got to the cone. 

Friday I took the family adventuring to the local hot pool my trainer Tim took me to. At first Kari was complaint how she hated the shoes she was wearing and it was a awful hike. By the end she loved it and can't wait to go there again! 

Saturday's was an amazing day of cleaning and organizing!!! Lots of teamwork!  We went to a birthday party.