Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 23, 2016

I tagged along with Mark to go pick up the missionaries from the airport. The elders new car is too nice to leave sitting at the airport overnight. It's likely one of the nicest cars on the island! Why?? I don't know! They used to have a little pickup truck. 

I began reading to him from one of his books and started feeling funny after a while. We discovered that learning makes me nauseous!! Haha! I've NEVER felt car sick before! I've been so grateful for that living here because the roads and drivers are so crazy that many people do get sick. 

On our way back to Portsmouth the road was blocked momentarily by tree limbs. Thankfully they were moved out of the way to let us pass after a surprisingly short wait. There were so many mental pictures I took on the drive. If I was willing to drive in this country and had all the time in the world it would be fun to take a million pictures. This is such a beautiful island. It's interesting to observe the locals too. I've watched local boys riding bikes on one tire and people carry things on their heads. I have seen one donkey on the island hanging out in the same general area on the side of the road on the way to the airport. I'd love to take his picture! 

Potty training excitement: Emma stayed dry ALL day long! NO accidents!!! I know that doesn't mean tomorrow will be the same but I'm excited! I told the kids that the first day Emma gets to wear panties to school I will take them to the French bakery (that just opened near campus!!) for chocolate crescents. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016

Last night before bed Emma had diarrhea and then threw up. I was worried she was going to get up in the middle of the night. I waited up for Mark to get home and we went to sleep super late. Around 2 am there was screaming. Mark doesn't ever wake up to the kids at night unless the screaming is tramatic from throwing up or bad dreams. In fact, he wakes up faster to that type of crying then I do! I assumed it was Emma and that she had thrown up. Turns out it was Lexi who was crying and had turned on lights in different rooms. She was having some kind of bad dream and was not fully awake walking around. All her crying woke up Emma!! I dealt with Lex and Mark went to Emma. It surprisingly didn't take too long to get them back to bed. 

I still got up at 5:30 to go to my workout. I was so tired!! When I got home just before 7:30 everyone was still asleep. I felt bad waking anyone up after such a late night and the screaming. I wasn't planning to send Emma to school either way. My thought was to let Mark sleep and I would take the kids to school but it is such an ordeal to get to school!!! So we ended up skipping school. Maybe not the best choice but...  I don't mind adding an extra Saturday type day to my week :)

Mark went with the elders to the airport. Because of their visas they have to leave the island after a certain amount of time and then they can just turn around and come back. So they left for the night to Antigua to stay with an older married missionary couple. I just checked and my visa is gong to expire mid June. From what I understand it shouldn't be a big deal and worst case scenario they would deport me which might mean paying to send me to America!!! I better check into that just to be sure though. Right now in planning to stay into August.

Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016

I think I'm going to attempt a daily blog post from my phone. I'm so far behind on my blogging I hate getting further behind each week! We'll see how this goes...

I brought two pairs of running shoes with me to the island. I am wearing them out going to Tim Trains Me every morning. We plan to stay on the island for a few months after the semester so Mark can study for the crazy huge Step 1 exam. I'm not sure my shoes will make it. I was shocked to see someone posted these size 11 beauties on "craigslist"!!! Yay!!!! 

The kids had dance class after school today. Afterwards we went to the store in hopes of finding mozzarella cheese. We were in luck!

Just outside the IGA scarfing down a special treat of ice cream sandwhiches before they melt.

On our walk home we often pause at this building. It used to be a KFC forever ago and is now a church. The girls were clapping and singing.

Emma mooing at the cows across the street.

Mark's leg injury from his frisbee game Saturday.

This evening we had the elders and another family over for homemade pizza dinner and family home evening.