Saturday, April 16, 2016

Saturday 4/16/16

I had a full on in tears breakdown today. It was when you focus on all the worst things about yourself and feel pretty worthless and upset. On top of that I've been feeling really "trunky" and so anxious to leave "the rock". We still don't know when that will be but it's still a few months down the road. I also have the added stress of needing to write a talk for church that I procrastinated. (As usual!) My poor loving husband didn't know what to do with me. He held me while I cried then left me to work on my talk. He helped Alexis work on her IXL which has been such a struggle lately. She needs to be completely finished with her 3rd grade math section by April 28th. If she is she gets paid $50ec and we will be having delicious homemade ice cream cake!!!! If she's not done she owes Mark money, doesn't get yummy awesomeness and STILL has to finish her IXL. Now tell me which is a better option?? She keeps getting distracted and frustrated. She has quite a few left to do now but that is only because she wouldn't work on them last fall when we told her she needed to or THIS would happen. Anyway, Mark is trying to help her with that and wrangle all the other kids AND fix dinner so I can write my talk. YET I feel major GUILT allowing him to help me because he should be studying...   This amazing man has learned to juggle life like a champ! He never lets the balls drop. He is an amazing father and husband, a medical student, president of the student government association on campus and branch president of our church here. How does he do it all?? I struggle each day trying to figure out what to do for dinner. No worries tonight though. He's got that covered too!! I'm so grateful for this amazing man that I call mine. I am so very blessed that he loves me and puts me first.

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